Wagyu Beef FAQ’s
What is Wagyu?
Wagyu is pronounced Wa- gyu, “Wa” meaning Japanese or Japanese style and “gyu” meaning cow. Wagyu are native to Japan and are derived from native Asian cattle. There is some evidence that 35000 years ago there was genetic separation of the Wagyu strain. Infusions of British and European breeds happened during the late 1800’s, but this cross breeding to outside genetics was closed in 1910.
Are all Wagyu the same?
Wagyu are different in a number of ways. There are several different blood lines within the breed and careful breeding management is required to produce the right animal.
What are the bloodlines?
The most common bloodlines are Tajima, Fujiyoshi and Kedaka, these are the Japanese black cattle.
Kochi and Kumanoto are red cattle.
Are Purebred the same as Fullblood?
Purebred are different from fullblood.
Purebred animals are bred up from a base breed of cow such as an Angus. An example is a full blood Wagyu mated to an Angus to produce a first cross or F1 which is 50% Wagyu and 50% Angus. The F1 female is then mated to a full blood Wagyu again to produce a second cross or F2, this animal is then 75% Wagyu and 25% Angus. This process is repeated through to an F4 animal or fourth cross which is than regarded as a purebred.
Full blood animals are animals that are direct descendants of the Japanese bloodlines with no other influences from other breeds in their breeding. All registered Wagyu have to be DNA tested and parent verified before being registered with the Australian Wagyu Association.